If you're like most of my listeners, you, too, wear many hats and you have a lot of demands on your time. It's difficult to juggle it all as a homeschool mom. And it's easy to be overwhelmed by everything you need to do. This show is not about finding the right curriculum or doing all the right things. It is about helping you focus on the best for your homeschool and your family.
When my daughters were young, I commonly felt tired and ready to fall into bed at night. I was often short-tempered and frustrated when I couldn’t acc...
Now that you have a mission statement, what do you do with it? In this episode, I'll share three ways you can use your mission statement. You'll hear ...
Vision and mission statements define our destination and the route to get there. They help us live with purpose. In this episode, you will learn a fou...
From the moment I get up to the moment I go to bed, I am busy. As a homeschool parent, it seems that my job is never done. There were days that I sat...
This special episode was recorded live on location at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, CO. Homeschooling is rewarding, but it can also be challenging....
It is difficult to find your homeschool rhythm after a break. In this episode, you'll learn what you can do to make your transition back into a school...
Homeschool co-ops are a great option for many families, but they just didn't work for us. Until now. Here's a look at why they didn't work in the past...
Does your child not enjoy his homeschool lessons? Or, do you have difficulty motivating him to learn? Learn four ways you can help your child enjoy ho...
Taking time at the end of each homeschool year to evaluate what went well and what I want to change or improve for next year helps me improve and cust...
Does your child dawdle during his lesson time or stare off into space? Are you frustrated that your school day drags on late into the afternoon becaus...