Afterpiece is a podcast about Educational Theatre. Each week, we will share some of our combined 50 years of teaching and directing experience with you…from stories of the history of the Texas theatre to theatre curriculum… from directing strategies to teaching strategies…and from balancing life and work to to raising a family in the theatre. Twitter: @DragooTheatre
Welcome back to Season 3 of Afterpiece: A Podcast About Educational Theatre with Billy and Annie Dragoo. We want to invite you to be part of our new ...
Billy and Annie share how they began a summer theatre camp. Since 2005, Camp Red Dragon, have been a source of revenue and program building. Use this...
We want to invite you to be part of our new online community. Annie and I have created an online Professional Learning Community just for theatre educ...
Many of you know that we have a business called Educational Theatre Consultants. We teach professional development, do one-act play clinics, write les...
Rod Caspers: Creative Director, Stage Director, Producer, Writer, Teacher, Speaker Coach and Event Specialist Rod conducts directing and curriculum de...
Creating a Booster Club Today, our episode is brought to you by OneHope Wines. For National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, ONEHOPE wants to give momen...
Our guest today is Brian O'Sullivan from Musical Theatre International. Brian is Director of Amateur Licensing and shares with us the ins and outs of ...
In this episode, Billy and Annie discuss the streaming options for your productions. They speak indepth with Jeff Tiddwell and Steel Wallace of ShowTi...