Let’s talk recovery fatigue. Not the kind of fatigue where you are tired because you are early in your recovery and your body is on the roller coaster...
Creating a life you love takes work. We're supposed to eat healthy and cook fresh food for every meal, get 10,000 steps, meditate, work, sleep, take c...
"My journey led me to face not just alcohol and drugs, but all of my addictions and dependencies. My classic tale of descent and redemption can unleas...
Success stories tell-all. I love hearing what other people are up to and how they build the amazing lives they are living. It's like a secret glimpse ...
"I'm not in the results business. I'm in the effort business." - Wade Bergquist Recovery is more than just putting down the drink. It's an accomplishm...
There is a better life waiting for you. And you're almost there. I remember feeling like I would never be able to get over my fears and finally quit d...
Wouldn't it be amazing to live in a world where you can talk about your mental health struggles and get love and support for doing it? Ummm.... yes, p...
If you are sitting in early sobriety, or feeling "stuck" in your recovery, this conversation is for you. In the beginning, motivation is high because ...
Are you exhausted by the constant chatter that wears you out and brings you down? If this sounds familiar then today's episode is for you. You may thi...
As human beings, we all struggle with a lack of communication skills, and have no fear, it's totally normal to feel overwhelmed with this sometimes. T...