WIG Fall Forum – Session 4- November 18, 2020


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Women In Government Podcast


Moderator: Colorado Senate President Pro Tempore Nancy Todd, Immediate Past Chair, WIG Board of Directors Session 1: Gender Disparities in Treatment and Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease Featuring: Robert Stoekenbroek, MD, PhD, MSc, Medical Director, Novartis US Clinical Development and Medical Affairs Description: 1 person dies every 37 seconds from Cardiovascular Disease in the US and the number of lives lost is increasing. In this session you will learn about gender disparities in diagnosis and treatment, challenges in managing cardiovascular disease, and explore policy ideas that help to reverse the Cardiovascular Disease trend. Session 2: Expanding Access to Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Featuring: Molly Guthrie, Director, Susan G. Komen Center for Public Policy Rebecca Birch, Manager, Susan G. Komen Center for Public Policy Description: In 2020 alone, more than 42,000 women and men in the U.S. are expected to die from breast cancer. Join us to learn how targeted policy efforts can change this unacceptable reality by ensuring patients have access to the care they need when and where they need it. For link to Shared Screen View, slides, and other information, please visit: https://www.womeningovernment.org/attend/event/wigfallforum