We live in a world construct based on achievements. It’s what you do that matters. What you’ve done. And we miss the daily, primary engagement of simply…what we are doing. I recently hiked four, thirteen thousand foot peaks in one day with a group of guys. I honestly don’t remember much about the peaks themselves. We’d stop, look around, grab a drink or bite to eat and adjust our packs…then move on. What we remember is the mountain goat that came up to us along the way. The clouds boiling up a mountain pass while we sat in a saddle of the mountain. The dip in a lake above tree line that was the coldest thing I’ve ever immersed myself in. Then tailgating at the end with food and drinks to recount it all. It was the journey we most enjoyed. Getting to the top is often a bit anticlimactic. This is what my guest brought to light in this episode when he cited that his focus in the second half of life has moved from, “I want to get to this place, to, I want to be on this path.”So simple and so profound. This is part 3 of my series on Arthur Brooks and his new book, From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life. For this discussion I brought on a co host who not only knows the message well, but is colleagues with Arthur. Arthur actually cites him in his book. It’s Robert Waldinger who I did a series on in January of 2023. Bob is a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development at Massachusetts General Hospital. His TED titled, “What makes a good life?” has over 43 million views and his book that culminates the project is, The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness. I experience Bob as an incredibly insightful person, an expert in the area of happiness and fulfillment, and just a complete joy of a human. It was great to talk with him again, but the insight you’re about to hear I feel is…life changing. June 15-16 of 2023 I’ll be in Dallas to attend and speak at the Ziglar coach summit. If you are looking to influence people for the better, professionally or personally, I invite you to join us. First 10 people who register and say you heard about it from me, I’m taking to dinner! Go to z i g l a r . c o m / c o a c h s u m m i t Go to and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. For a limited time, Self Helpful listeners can get 20% off InsideTracker’s new Ultimate Plan. Visit If you’re looking for a simpler and cost-effective supplement routine, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. Head to and use promo code KEVIN and depending on the model receive UP TO 39% off or UP TO $300 off! Receive two pounds of ground beef for a year and get $20 off your first box when you sign up today at and use code SELFHELPFUL. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit