October is Indoor Air Quality Month and Both Caroline's and Eric's allergies are in full swing. What can you do to make life a little easier? Check out the mid-week special plus we tease the new giveaway on October 30th that you won't want to miss! This one is worth more than a grand so its something to check out! Plus we talk about what is coming up on this weekends show! Thanks for listening to Around the house if you want to hear more please subscribe so you get notified of the latest episode as it posts at https://around-the-house-with-e.captivate.fm/listen (https://around-the-house-with-e.captivate.fm/listen) We love comments and we would love reviews on how this information has helped you on your house! Thanks for listening! For more information about the show head to https://aroundthehouseonline.com/ (https://aroundthehouseonline.com/) We have moved the Pro Insider Special on Thursday to its new feed. It will no longer be on this page. You can find it and subscribe right here: https://around-the-house-pro-insider.captivate.fm/ (https://around-the-house-pro-insider.captivate.fm/ )