Our strategy for getting new clients is quite simple. We go out of our way to meet and talk to people we haven’t before.Book a FREE Business Strategy SessionToday we are excited to discuss with you our strategy to getting more clients. We are in the house selling business, so what do we have to do? Expose ourselves to more and more people every week.The goal for everyone on our team is to meet 40 new people each week that we have never talked to before. Some people might ask why we are giving away our strategy. Simply put, we don’t believe that our competitors are willing to put in the work we put in to talk to this many new people each week.You want to meet more and more people all the time. Last year, we talked to 2,000 people we had never talked to before. When you do that, it’s hard not to get new business buying and selling houses. You want to meet more and more people all the time. If you aren’t expanding your network, you won’t succeed in this business.If you have any questions for us or want to learn more about expanding your list of contacts, give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.