What Do You Do When Fighting IS YOUR LOVE LANGUAGE?


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Society & Culture

Let’s go deeper and talk about dysfunction on your part in your relationship! What used to be an asset, a means to cope or survive is now killing your relationship! Are you ready to talk about it? Join me me with your coffee in hand on the next DivaSpeaks Relationships! DivaSpeaks Relationships Podcast is wherever you listen to podcast! DivaSpeaks Relationships is THE hottest, sexy Relationship Podcast AND Local broadcast television show in Charlotte NC Subscribe to the podcast AND Meet us every 2nd and 4th Friday at 11pm EST for the television show DivaSpeaks Talk Show airs on every 2nd and 4th Friday nights EST.... Via Spectrum Cable AT&T UVerse Roku TV Or stream it live on the station website! Video on demand is available on the station website: TvAccess21.Com Subscribe to the podcast at: DivaSpeaks.Podbean.Com Or Diva-Speaks-Official.Com My older television shows are uploaded to my website and YouTube channel DivaSpeaks Relationships Podcast is available wherever you listen to podcast!   #Relationships #Love #Podcast #Subscribe #Charlotte #ExplorePage #Dating #BadBreakUps #Heal