Title – Macro Meals | What is the benefit of meal prep companies?Intro = Clay ClarkDescription: Meal prep can mean a lot of different things for different people. It can be a way to feel more comfortable with cooking when you’re just starting. It can be a tool to keep the cost of groceries in check. It can even be a form of self-care, and a way to ensure a smoother week ahead — just by having thoughtful meals ready and waiting. It might be (and probably the most popular reason we hear) to be healthier or leaner. No matter what your goals are, Macro Meals | meal prep companies can save an individual a lot of time! Statistic: On an average day in 2014, Americans age 18 and overspent 37 minutes in food preparation and cleanup. However, the average time spent in “meal prep”—preparing food and beverages, serving the food, and cleaning up afterward—varied considerably among different groups. Men spent an average of 22 minutes, whereas women spent 51 minutes.Source: https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2016/november/americans-spend-an-average-of-37-minutes-a-day-preparing-and-serving-food-and-cleaning-up/Talking points / Benefits:1. Saves time.a. Recipe findingb. Measuring everything outc. Fitting everything into containers2. Relieves boredom….If you meal prep yourself…you’re likely not grilling preparing several different meals. 3. Most of us (not chef Doug) are not chefs and never get the perfect moist chicken. 4. No wasted money on wasted food….most people overbuy or don’t use all their ingredients.And the extra containers. I love my plasticware cabinet…it’s so organized...Said no one ever!5. If you add the minutes from our statistic, we shared from the USDA. A meal prep company could put 5-8 hours back into your week.NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “if you can’t see yourself sticking to your diet one year from now, you need to re-think your strategy. If you don’t’ like the way you eat, you won’t stick to it for long, and it’ll only be a matter of time before you jump ship and end up regaining all the weight.” Sohee Lee, MS, CSCS, CISSNExtreme dieting doesn’t work for most…at least for the long term Macro Meals | Meals prep companies can help you be healthier for the long term Action item: go to macromealsonline.com today and view our menu selections and try us out!Support the show