Health & Fitness
Today Martin shares visulization secrets for weight lossThe difference between real life and what you see in Fitness Mgazines in your life.Take control of your life via self-indentity. How to change wht you think your 'Self' is.Discover how to control your weight and move towards success.Weight Loss and dieting are an epidemic in today's society. It is more a function of how we think than anything else. There are hundreds of diets and exercise programs out there. Yet 'yo-yo' dieting is a cliche. We all know that there is more to it.Why do we eat foods we KNOW add weight and inches to our waist and hips? Why do we sit in front of the tube for hours at a time instead of going for that wonderful walk in the park? The answer lies in our MINDS. www.freeweightlosspodcast.comJohn Rowley, co-host, is an author, speaker and contributor to much of the media including Fox News, SmartMoney and Martha Stewart. He has earned the title “America's Lifestyle Strategist” by inspiring millions to become physically, mentally and spiritually fit.Martin Van Nuss, c-host, is a fitness coach in Vancouver, BC. He helped one client lose 260 pounds.Join Scott Paton each week as they talk about the changes in your mind that will change your body and spirit.