How our $99 course gave a client her best holiday ever What Would Jeff Do? #1133 dog training q & a


Listens: 367

Dog Training Q&A What Would Jeff Do?


how to stop resource guarding

how to train a pack of 5 dogs

how to stop leash reactivity

what’s up with all the fog?!

how our $99 course helped a client STOP her dog from trying to bite her house guests and gave her the best Christmas ever ️

Our Holiday Bootcamp Course that changed her life:

For an online course to get the best walk ever click here:

Your one stop shop to a fully trained dog:

  • our online academy for online courses:
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  • Youtube: SolidK9Training
  • Instagram @Solidk9training

-Website: www.Solidk9training.comTwitter @solidk9training


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