S2.E11. The Bride of Christ (38:23)


Listens: 17

The Upward Call!

Religion & Spirituality

Revelation 19.6-9 is a glance into the future for the Church. There is no bride “of” Christ in the earth today. But, there is a bride to be “for” Christ in the earth, one being prepared, a virgin now known as the Church. Many things must take place before this great and glorious event called “the marriage supper of the Lamb” because this event is an object of eternity; and nothing of the earth enters into eternity without a needful time of redemption, transformation, spiritual refinement, testing, and judgment; and a seeing that all is good, very good; for what is not will be separated at the last judgment, that of the Great White Throne judgment, as it is written in Revelation 20.13-15.

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