Building the biggest hemp brand in India | Jahan Peston Jamas, BoHeCo | TBC Podcast #73


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The Builders Club Startup Founders Podcast


Jahan Peston Jamas is one of the smartest guys you will meet. Bombay Hemp Company Private Limited, BoHeCo, has been the OG in the space of creating industrial and medical hemp products.

They have been working with the Indian government for over a decade, and now they are focusing on One of the definitive guides to the hemp ecosystem space

️In this podcast with Sohail for TBC Podcast, we discussed

⭐The unit economics of hemp business

⭐The regulatory issues with doing business in this industry

⭐Used cases and why hemp is the future

⭐Global landscape of the hemp ecosystem

⭐And do employees get a stash of their own

Check Out The Full Podcast here:

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