Health & Fitness
Noticing a bump on the roof of your mouth can be alarming, but not all bumps are cause for concern. Common causes of bumps include canker sores, mucocele (fluid-filled cysts), or irritation from accidental bites. However, some bumps can be signs of more serious conditions, such as infections or even oral cancer, especially if they are persistent, painful, or change over time.
If you've discovered a bump on the roof of your mouth that doesn’t go away or becomes increasingly uncomfortable, it’s important to consult a dental professional. Dr. Arthur Yeh, located in Montclair, NJ, specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of oral health issues. Dr. Yeh and his experienced team can evaluate the bump, offer a clear diagnosis, and provide effective treatment options.
Don’t wait if you’re concerned about a roof of your mouth bump—early intervention is key to maintaining your oral health. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Yeh today by visiting Dr. Arthur Yeh’s website. Your well-being and smile are worth the care and attention of a trusted dental expert!