Ep 07- Keeping it Real (Estate) with Anuj Goradia, Dosti Realty


Listens: 42

The NJ Show by Nukul Jain


Tune in to this candid, informative, and real (estate) conversation with the acting CEO of one of India’s largest developers – Dosti Realty.

As a U.S. graduate and Thane native, Anuj sheds light on his education, the experience of running a legacy family business, the opportunities and challenges in real estate, and the role that sports and fitness play in his entrepreneurial journey.

Let us know your thoughts on his unique style and unconventional approach to leading a major company.

Reach out to us at nj@itsthenjshow.com

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Watch video version on YouTube - https://youtu.be/DOj5EfMPAGw