123. Empowering Children with Choices with Richard Jack III


Listens: 98

Great Dad Talks

Kids & Family

Join me as we discuss fatherhood and the unique challenges children face today with expert guest Richard Jack III, a trailblazer in children's emotional and behavioral development. With insights into modern upbringing, the importance of structure, and the unique Gentlemen by Choice and Ladies by Choice programs, Richard shares his extensive experience from the military, education, and coaching. Learn how to effectively mentor kids and instill timeless values and etiquette, ensuring they grow up with the tools and confidence they need to succeed.

Check out Richard's website at gentlemenbychoice.org

Visit these links and embark on the path to becoming the best parent you can be:

- GreatDad.com/coaching 

- GreatDad.com/pq 

- Gratitude course: bit.ly/3NMLDNC  

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