Ep 50 | Cancer Survivor Shares INSPIRING Story of Beating the Odds TWICE | Part 3 | Motivational Hindi Audiobook


Listens: 18

The Creative Zindagi Podcast

Society & Culture

I Survived Cancer and Here's My INSPIRING Story!

In Episode 50 of The Creative Zindagi Podcast, we bring you part 3 of the three-part audiobook (book reading session) of Kulbhushan Deep's (Arora) book "Cancer Survivor Ki Diary" "Diary of a Cancer Survivor". | Hindi Audiobook | Motivational Story


About Author

Kulbhushan Arora, also known as Kulbhushan Deep, a pharmacist from New Delhi has battled cancer twice and emerged victorious. Known as the "Bloody Man" for donating blood over 100 times, Kulbhushan Ji has written 7 books including Khamosh Imarat, Sanjeewani, and Sangharsh Ka Safar. Bloody Man, is a biography about his life written by Pradhunik Deepak Kanoujia. His recent book"Diary of a Cancer Survivor" covers his journey from 2014 to 2024, highlighting his battle with cancer, the second one during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kulbhushan Ji hopes to inspire others to stay hopeful in tough times through his writings and Hindi poetry.


Connect with Author - https://www.instagram.com/kulbhushandeep/


  1. खामोश इमारत Khamosh Imarat - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGI513w4dWug_6dGtg5j6inCadm6sEZNK&si=ymGDROzMk_YxB9o2
  2. संजीवनी
  3. आस्था की पगडंडियां
  4. संघर्ष का सफ़र
  5. बा चाउ की बिटिया
  6. कैंसर सर्वाइवर की डायरी https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVmANKrrRA1OGgWxvmOJnJp-C9aVBFDkb
  7. स्मृति दीप (just published)



  1. "Kulbhushan" (1998)
  2. Bloody Man (2023)




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Hindi Poetry Book - Shabd Kam Arth Zyada Ho

  • https://amzn.eu/d/706PxQM
  • https://www.flipkart.com/shabd-kam-arth-zyada-ho/p/itmb02a179e54650
  • https://bit.ly/ShabdKamArthZyadaHo


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