Unicode Explained Simply


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Tech Wizard


Unicode is a computing industry standard designed to consistently encode, represent, and handle text expressed in most of the world's writing systems. This system enables the digital representation of text from various languages, symbols, and even emojis in a uniform way. Understanding Unicode is crucial for software development, data processing, and digital communication.

Why Unicode?

Before Unicode, text encoding systems like ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) were limited in scope. ASCII, for example, could represent only 128 characters, sufficient for basic English text but inadequate for other languages and symbols. Different systems used different encoding standards, leading to compatibility issues.

Unicode was created to solve these problems by providing a single, universal character set. This means that a text file encoded in Unicode can be reliably read and understood on any system that supports Unicode.

How Unicode Works

Code Points

At the core of Unicode are code points. A code point is a unique number assigned to each character in the Unicode standard. These are typically written in the form "U+xxxx", where "xxxx" is a hexadecimal number. For example:

  • The letter "A" has a code point of U+0041.
  • The character "好" (a Chinese character) has a code point of U+597D.
  • The emoji "" has a code point of U+1F60A.

Unicode Transformation Formats (UTF)

To use these code points in computing systems, they need to be transformed into a sequence of bytes. This is where Unicode Transformation Formats (UTF) come in. The most common UTFs are UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32.

  • UTF-8: Uses 1 to 4 bytes for each code point and is backward compatible with ASCII. It's efficient for texts primarily in English and widely used on the web.
  • UTF-16: Uses 2 or 4 bytes for each code point and is commonly used in environments like Windows.
  • UTF-32: Uses 4 bytes for each code point, providing a straightforward, fixed-width encoding at the cost of increased space.

Encoding and Decoding

Encoding is the process of converting a sequence of characters into a sequence of bytes. Decoding is the reverse process, converting a sequence of bytes back into a sequence of characters. For instance, the character "A" is encoded as the byte 65 in ASCII, which is also its code point in Unicode (U+0041).

Byte Order Mark (BOM)

The Byte Order Mark (BOM) is a special marker at the start of a text stream to indicate its encoding (e.g., UTF-8, UTF-16). It helps systems interpret the byte order (big-endian or little-endian) and ensures correct decoding of the text.

Unicode in Practice

Displaying Characters

To display a character, the system needs:

  1. The Unicode code point of the character.
  2. A font that includes a glyph (visual representation) for the code point.
  3. Software capable of rendering the glyph on the screen.

Combining Characters

Unicode supports combining characters, allowing complex scripts and accented characters. For example, the character "é" can be represented as a single code point (U+00E9) or as two code points: "e" (U+0065) and the combining acute accent (U+0301).

Emoji and Symbols

Unicode has expanded to include a wide range of symbols and emojis. These characters have become integral to digital communication, providing a universal way to express emotions and ideas visually.


Normalization is the process of converting text to a standard form. This is crucial for text comparison and searching. Unicode defines four normalization forms: NFC, NFD, NFKC, and NFKD, each with specific rules for combining and decomposing characters.

Challenges with Unicode


While Unicode aims to be universal, not all systems and software fully support every Unicode feature. Legacy systems and older software might encounter issues when handling Unicode text.


Unicode can introduce security vulnerabilities, such as homograph attacks, where visually similar characters from different scripts are used to deceive users. For example, the Latin "a" (U+0061) and the Cyrillic "а" (U+0430) look identical but are different characters.

Data Size

Depending on the UTF used, Unicode text can take up more space than traditional ASCII. UTF-32, in particular, uses 4 bytes per character, which can lead to larger file sizes.


Unicode is a fundamental technology for modern computing, enabling consistent representation and manipulation of text from diverse languages and symbols. It has overcome the limitations of older encoding systems and provides a robust framework for global digital communication.


  1. Unicode Consortium
  2. UTF-8 Encoding
  3. Wikipedia: Unicode
  4. Unicode Normalization
  5. Empty Characters
  6. Understanding Unicode and Character Sets