Understanding Teacher Motivation and Job Satisfaction with Nicole Endsley


Listens: 36

The Employee Experience in Education Podcast


“Teachers value relationships and agency as important factors in their job satisfaction.”

We talk all the time about the need to increase teacher retention, yet despite our efforts teachers continue to leave the classroom at alarming rates. 

But how can district leaders ensure teachers have high job satisfaction while feeling empowered in their roles?

On this episode, we’ll speak with doctoral candidate and former educator Nicole Endsley. Today, Nicole shares her unique insights and research on how school and district leaders can improve teacher satisfaction and combat teacher turnover. Nicole also discusses:

  • How Frederick Herzberg’s two-Factor Theory of Motivation applies to education
  • The impact of relationships and teacher agency on the employee experience
  • and a surprising truth about what truly motivates teachers to stay in the profession

Guest Bio - Nicole Endsley is a doctoral candidate at the University of West Florida. Her research interests include national teacher turnover trends and teacher turnover trends in the wake of COVID-19. Nicole has over 10 years of classroom experience and 5 years of experience working in state government. Nicole is passionate about furthering her research on teacher turnover and bringing reform to the profession.
