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Listens: 1953

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Today I [Kanishk] am with you to share some lines with us.Now I am going to upload my last song 10 to 20 approx. song I an going release some song which I love. Now I am going share these song with us. About previous bio. in that bio. there is a lot of mistake are present. Preveiw of last bio. [Kanishk_mahawar is a metal artist wi................................................................MAHAWAR Thank you for reading.]

Now I decided to release last Episode because now I want to concentrate on my study [ If at this time, willn't study than nobody likes me because I know the today's world's truth and concept of life] and concentrate on my career. If any person want more about this page please visit on this link which provide computer code language [site;- https://feeds.hubhopper.com/9bfaa9d94e5bcf205da12d66ad29c12d.rss ]

I hope that my dear listener [you] now understand. Thank you for contact with me on this platform.