Thomas Harriot (1560 - 1621)


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Being a Professional Mathematician


Jackie Stedall talks about Thomas Harriot, a notable mathematician who lived in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. She talks about Harriot's mathematics (at time 0:16) Was Harriot a "professional mathematician"? (0:42) Harriot's patrons (0:51) Mathematical career patterns in Harriot's time (1:32) Harriot's interest in navigation (2:22) The problem of stacking cannon balls (3:14) Mathematics without immediate practical applications (4:11) Did Harriot work collaboratively with others? (4:59) Harriot's communications with other mathematicians (5:51) How Harrriot disseminated his work (6:45) Harriot's reputation as a mathematician (7:45) Would Harriot have described himself as a mathematician? (9:50) Were Harriot's patrons interested in his mathematics? (10:48) More information, worksheets and other resources for the undergraduate mathematics curriculum: