
Kevin & Fred's Next Level Podcast: Quick Tips for Real Estate Agents and Interviews from the best in the real estate business
This episode is brought to you by: Kevin and Fred's Referral Guarantee FLEQ FLEQ is the combination of the words “flexible” and “equity” and we're changing the way you think about homeownership. What is the Fleq Alliance? The Fleq Alliance is a new way to buy a home. The Alliance uses a partnership approach to purchase a home of your choosing. With the entire Multiple Listing Service (MLS) available to you, search for a house using apps like Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, or call up the real estate agent who’s been encouraging you to buy a home for years. Once you’ve found your dream home, you’ll be teamed up with an Alliance representative. You will receive a quote for your monthly payment, your initial equity contribution to the Alliance, the starting ownership percentage for both parties and the current cost to acquire additional units of equity. When it comes to equity contributions, pay whatever you want, whenever you want—or nothing at all. Though not required, any equity contributions will increase your ownership in the Alliance. $19K pre-fab home includes artificial intelligence technology Singapore-based startup Nestron announces the launch of 4 low-cost prefab home models complete with an artificial intelligence assistant, Canny California reportedly launching its own CFPB On Friday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom will reportedly unveil a plan for the state to enact its own version of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, overhauling and increasing the power of the state’s Department of Business Oversight. According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, the proposal to create a state-level CFPB will come in Newsom’s 2020-2021 budget, which Newsom is scheduled to reveal Friday.