'There's got to be a better way' Saloni Singh with Karen Pery


Listens: 92

Raising Parents 2.0

Kids & Family

Saloni Singh interviews Author Karen Pery, a Los Angeles based executive coach and intuitive guide. She is author of book - "There's got to be a better way - an overachievers guide to discovering joy..."

Creating and facilitating fun and immersive leadership retreats, supporting women and men to listen to their inner wisdom and find their better way through surfing in Hawaii, getting feedback straight from a horse at her ranch, and via her equine leadership retreats and sessions. 

Clients say Karen is magical, and you can find some of her lovely magic through this conversation with her. 

Simple casual, full of juicy nuggets about life, parenting, her experience with horses, and finding a better way - Your way!

Here are some of the magical insights from her interview:

* It's ok to let people help you. "It's ok to wait. Waiting is a verb. An action it is."

* Find that place in you, that you can let be a guide. Everyone has their own Compass. 

* We think we need a map. what we need is to tune into our own intuition/instinct.

* Don't get married to things that don't matter.

* We are more resilient than we ever think.

* The Better way is Your Way! No body has the answers for you.

 Others can only help you find the answers. 

Find more about Karen Pery here: www.karenpery.com

Link to her book: https://amzn.to/2QCHLoB

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Get in touch with Saloni for any life or parenting queries or for a conversation at coach@salonisingh.com 

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