
Download The Chill Out Sessions Travels the World - El Nido Palawan, Philippines for your iPod, iTouch, iPhone, iTunes, iPad, Android, mp3 player, tablet, cellphone, smartphone, laptop, computer etc, at http://djcoolcarla.podomatic.com/enclosure/2017-09-02T23_12_43-07_00.mp3 We are also available on iTunes. Just search The Chill Out Sessions. Subscribe and get automatic download of the latest mixes. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/chill-out-sessions-dj-cool/id427949760?mt=2 Visit our official Podcast page at http://djcoolcarla.podomatic.com Join my Facebook Fan Page at: http://www.facebook.com/TheChillOutSessions https://www.facebook.com/djcoolcarlaOFFICIAL Follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/djcoolcarla Check out my new monthly show on Frisky Radio called SubZero, airing every 3rd Sunday every month, at 9AM New York / 9PM Hong Kong / 2PM London. For complete listing of songs, please go to our Facebook page. Keep Calm and Chill with me, DJ Cool Carla