That's not a crack... It's a love mark.


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Brain Feed


Society: The Failure of the Digital Cafe - "Our digital devices are there to enhance our real-world social engagements, not replace them." The God Squad - - lololololol "Paula Baldwin, who ministers at Best Buy’s public relations department, insisted that the company must pursue all trademark infringements, lest it allow its logo to fall into trademark purgatory." Tech Advancements: News Corp. iPad (tablet) Only Paper - "The Wall Street Journal is an American English-language international daily newspaper published by Dow Jones & Company, a division of News Corporation" "News Corp. Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch recently said the iPad was a “perfect platform” for consuming news." Skype Trying to go Public - Will Anyone Take Skype's Call? Skype SA hopes to create a splash in a tepid market for initial public offerings. If it succeeds, it FCC new ICC? - "The railroads were the Internet of their day, a network of communications, goods and services linking the country together. The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) was created in 1887 to ensure fairness and set rates, much as net neutrality proponents today want the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)" Google-Verizon Statement - "The reaction to the Google-Verizon statement suggests that the network-neutrality debate has run its course. Google made the simple point that competition justifies treating wireless differently from traditional access." China is now the worlds 2nd strongest economy!!! - *Video* "By contrast, China's output per person, at about $4,000, is about a tenth that of Japan's." Politics: Romney looks good for 2012 (& not just his hair) - “More than half of all Republicans we questioned consider themselves Tea Party supporters or active members of the Tea Party movement,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “Romney tops the list among Tea Party Republicans; Gingrich is next on that list and Palin is in third.” Gaming: - On Live - *Video* - Skip to like 10 minutes. AMAZING - Phones: -Evo- Button Cracks - iPhone: 34% Waiting for Another Carrier - -iPhone- Liquid Metal iPhone Antenna - "However, the antenna is just one of the possible use-cases for Apple's licensing agreement with LiquidMetal Technologies. According to Peker, the alloy can be moulded or blown-out to serve the functions of plastic and glass materials as well.