Tandem Nursing; Comparative Lactation; The Calming Effect of Breastmilk Odor; Risk of Febrile Seizures in Breastfed Children; Antihistamines During Lactation; Nipple Trauma with Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC and Karen Bodnar MD, IBCLC


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Breastfeeding Medicine Podcast

Health & Fitness

We start out by discussing a study that evaluates milk composition during tandem nursing. We then review findings of a few very well-done studies- one on the calming effect of breastmilk odor, and another on the relationship between breastfeeding and risk of febrile seizures. During our last several minutes we talk about various medications during lactation, including anti-histamines, anti-cholinergics, and vasodilators. Join us!! Recorded in April 2020.