Survival Of The Fittest Design Trends


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This week on Overtime, celebrate the show’s 100th episode as Meg reflects on the podcast and her time as a host. We’re looking back at some of the topics we covered at the beginning of 2020 that didn’t really age well given what the year had in store for us… Plus, let’s see which design trends endured the wrath of 2020. It’s going to be a wild ride. Let’s go! [00:09] Host Meg Lewis introduces the episode[02:40] Looking back at the past 100 Overtime Episodes[12:12] Reminiscing on some of Meg’s best middle names [14:43] How past stories have aged in 2020.Thanks to the sponsors of this episode:Collective:  Leave some feedback:What do you think about our new format? Please let us know in the comments below!Did you enjoy this episode? If so, please leave a short review. Connect with us: Meg LewisDribbble profileTwitter: @yourbuddymegInstagram: @yourbuddymegWebsiteInterested in sponsoring this rad podcast? Email