This is Part Four on Step Four of the 12 Step Program. I will be discussing Step Four "Made a Fearless and Moral Inventory of Ourselves". The 12 Step Program is one of the greatest gifts available to address the BIGGEST ADDICTION IN THE WORLD - OUR THINKING! Ask yourself if you have made a decision to surrender? If you struggle answering this question, that's your EGO! Looking forward to sharing more on Step Four.Phoenix Rising Addiction Center has created these videos to inform and educate people of the biggest addiction of the world found in our excessive, compulsive, and repetitive thoughts and thinking. These are found internally and externally through pain and suffering with various addictions (such as substance abuse, alcoholism, drug addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, stress, anxiety, loneliness, not good enough, etc, etc, etc.) If you want to be free and not a slave of the thinking, we are here to help.SPOTIFY PODCASThttps://open.spotify.com/show/18bMXrireMGwGOLN8i0Stj?si=73ARsL4HQcyalaFHYTSOnQAPPLE PODCASThttps://phoenixrisingpodcast.buzzsprout.comYOUTUBE https://youtube.com/c/PhoenixRisingAddictionCenter Support the show (https://cash.app/$phoenixrisingac)