Shrill and Shriller


Listens: 0 Feminine Chaos


Kat and Phoebe discuss the (dis)pleasures of being scolded by sitcoms, evolving norms surrounding office-appropriate hairstyles, and a bizarre controversy surrounding Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt star Ellie Kemper. A clip from Shrill: BBC Three on Twitter: "Yikes."NYT: Why 'Kim's Convenience' Is 'Quietly Revolutionary'Slate: Ellie Kemper, queen of the Veiled Prophet Ball: “KKK princess” controversy, explained.Kat’s article about Ellie Kemper: Ellie Kemper and Twitter's Two Minutes Hate - The Spectator WorldDad Pulls Biracial Daughter Out of School After Classmate and School Employee Cut Her Hair See for privacy and opt-out information.