(Season 3 Ep. 7) 14 going on forever Ft. Jesse Parent


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It’z Totally Layla


Welcome back to another episode of 14 going on forever where I interview people that bad names for themselves questions about them from when they were 14 to know and 14 years from now. This week I interviewed Jesse Parent. Jesse is a multiple time finalist at international poetry competitions such as the Individual World Poetry Slam, the National Poetry Slam, the Ill List, the Rustbelt Regional Poetry Slam, and the Ontario International Poetry Slam. His book, The Noise That Is Not You, has gone through multiple publications after selling out, repeatedly, and his poetry has been seen by millions of people all over the world. He concentrates on theatrical presentation, narrative structures, and themes around family and religion. You can find out more about Jesse at www.JesseParent.com.