SBE066 - Kevin Rogers - How to create a 60 Second Impactful Gravitational Message


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Small Business Elevation


Show Notes In today’s episode we interview Kevin Rogers who spent years traveling the United States as a dead-broke stand-up comedian until he discovered how a simple joke formula could be used as a powerful marketing hook and began teaching it to marketers. The formula worked so well that entrepreneurs and business owners all over the world have now used this deceptively simple 4 sentence formula to skyrocket their profits and grow their businesses at record pace. Now, Kevin is one of the most in-demand sales consultants online, working closely with high-volume information marketers, corporations and local brick and mortar businesses alike to turn around sluggish ad campaigns. Kevin’s unique background as a stand-up comic and in-the-trenches salesperson provide a rare spectrum of experience and ability. His greatest strength is teaching anyone to use the power of their own story to connect better with customers and compel them to take action.   Also in the show Here’s just a few things you learn; The simple tactic to build momentum in your business and help you turn a blind eye to your internal self-limiting belief is, you simply got to ___________________ How to know when it time to take a permanent sabbatical from the career you’re in and find a new career gig that gets you pumped in the morning (Kevin explains the warning signs to look out for). Kevin shares the super-fast broadband way of learning skills in an almost risk free environment to gain rapid success in a certain discipline, anyone who is an elite player has done it or continues to do it ______________________ Discover the rare unconventional way of developing winning money making ideas and concepts that the legendary copywriter Gary Halbert used to strike marketing Gold… Would you like to make a good first impression in 60 seconds or less? The secret comedian formula Kevin has developed for business owners is ingenious… Once you start using this 4 sentence formula people will become ___________________ Kevin spells out the quick and dirt cheap method for churning out impactful content easily without the overwhelm (if you’re a perfectionist take note). Hit play now to get even more elevating knowledge to soar you to higher heights of productivity and profitability. Success Quote Progress over perfection Recommend Resources The ultimate Marketing Machine Dan Kennedy How To Write A Good Advertisement: A Short Course In Copywriting Kindle Edition by Victor O. Schwab To Learn copywriting check this out You can download a free copy of Kevin’s Amazon best-selling book at and join his copywriting community at Connect Web –