Employer branding has been a hot topic for a while now. In the tech industry, great talent is hard to come across and even harder to attract and keep. Designing a great candidate experience from start to end is crucial in order to stand out in this highly competitive market.Employer branding is a continuous strategic effort, not to be confused for something you take up now and again when you need to recruit someone for a role. Neither is it simply an HR effort - employer branding involves the whole organization and all teams.Pipsa and Anna are both driven by a passion to combine the very best organizations with the best people and make work-life better on a wider scale. The year-old startup Finders Seekers promises to take care of tech companies’ talent needs and build winning teams, offering holistic consultation on matters related to employer branding and recruitment design for companies of all sizes.What are the three top tips Pipsa and Anna have for startups in order to not fail in recruitment? And how do you get started with employer branding? Listen to Sangre x Finders Seekers podcast to find out!Keep up with us at