Salesforce Managed Services vs In-House Team: What’s the Difference?


Listens: 336

Aglowid's Podcast


Are you getting started with Salesforce but don’t know how? Understand and compare two of the most popular Salesforce integration approaches through this detailed podcast -Salesforce Managed Services vs Salesforce Inhouse Team: What’s the Difference? Choose the best suited one for your business requirements.

Salesforce is the go-to cloud platform for many businesses around the globe to develop customized CRM solutions that fit their business requirements. It helps them to boost sales, automate marketing and improve customer relationship management efficiency.

In this podcast we are going to discuss the Traditional Approaches to Salesforce Implementation, what is Salesforce Managed Services, we will also be discussing why is it a better alternative. Types of Services covered under Salesforce Managed Services and many more important points. After listening to this podcast, you will be able to distinguishing between Salesforce Managed Services vs Salesforce Inhouse Team, so that you can hire Salesforce Developers, present in the market for your business.