Religion & Spirituality
In a divine covenant, God sovereignly establishes the nature of the relationship between Himself and man. God binds Himself by His own oath to keep His promises set forth under the covenant. Still, there are conditions attached to the oath on the side of man; if he does not keep the covenant’s conditions there will be consequences. A clear distinction must be made between the conditions, promises, and consequences under the Old Covenant cut in the blood of goats and bulls and the conditions of the New Covenant cut in the in the blood of Christ. It is as Jesus said at the last supper, “For this is My blood of the ‘new’ covenant,…” Mt. 26.28 By emphasizing the word “new” He was affirming this divine covenant did not just add to the Old Covenant but it superseded it and was to completely replace the Old Covenant. The New is not the reconditioning of the Old like one reconditions a house, but is a replacement of the Old, a house built upon a new foundation, not one of “the Law” but a foundation which is Christ. It is confirmed again in scripture, Heb. 13.8 “In that He says, ‘A new covenant,’ He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.”