S2E3 w| Guest Joel McLean


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Own Your Shift


Joining us for our third episode, Joel McLean, school principal at Conseil scolaire catholique Franco-Nord, as well as a Provincial Leadership Coach at the Association des directions et vice assistées des écoles franco-ontariennes AND founder of Inspire Leadership Coaching + host of Inspire Leadership Podcast.Our chat today encompasses our intentions, our mindset and the investments that we make in ourselves. We chat about self talk, the challenges that our youth are facing and how as parents we can take a preventative approach to providing support to our children.Have no doubt that you'll be inspired after today's episode of OWN YOUR SHIFTConnect with Joel and be sure to add Inspire Leadership Podcast to your playlisthttps://inspireleadership.ca/author/jprofnb/Facebook @inspirelifeleadershipcoaching | Instagram @jprofnb