S2 E17: The art of being Grateful ft. Purva Kapur


Listens: 145

Comeback Minimalist


Our 16th guest in the #RealLifeIndianMinimalists series is Purva, a Gratitude practitioner, Yoga teacher and a Life coach. She has designed a Journal for Kids "My Conscious Living Journal" which is helping Parents in inculcating the habit of being grateful in their Kids.

We talked about how we can be more grateful towards everyone, Why keeping a gratitude journal is important and How Kids can benefit from the Gratitude habit in the long run?

So tune in to get inspired. 

Purva's Instagram Handle: consciouslivingbypurvakapur

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On my journey, I have written a small E-book where I have explored Minimalism in various areas of Life. You can check it out on Amazon "A-Z of Minimalism" at just 1$

On a side Note, I would like to share that my Podcast has been listed in the Top 25 Simple Living Podcasts around the Globe.