We’re talking about Books That Make You Help Aspiring Authors Become Professional, Ones—Even Bestsellers Every author likely has a similar dream: signing with a big publisher, of sitting atop the bestseller list, of captivating legions of fans, of living as a prolific, full-time writer. Such a dream is elusive. Rarer still are those who achieve that dream, and return to help others do so, as well. Our guest today is William Bernhardt, and that is exactly his wheelhouse. William Bernhardt is the author of over 50 books, including the “Daniel Pike” legal thriller series, kicked off with the #1 best-selling “The Last Chance Lawyer”. His prior books include the popular “Ben Kincaid” series, the historical novels “Nemesis” and “Challengers of the Dust”, two books of poetry: “The White Bird” and “The Ocean’s Edge”, and the “Red Sneaker” books on writing fiction. Bernhardt also founded the Red Sneaker Writers Center to mentor aspiring writers. The Center hosts WriterCon, an annual writers conference, small writing retreats, and produces a bi-weekly e-newsletter and podcast. More than three dozen of Bernhardt’s students have since published with major publishers. Find out more on Books That Make You. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.