We Must Seek God's Pure's Word/Will! --------rahardin.com-Bio, Books, Pods,Videos- Wed - 7AM CST Are you seeking and hoping to find God's perfect will about some specific area of very important concern? Listen to how Abraham's chief servant found God's perfect will to find Abraham' son Isaac God's perfect wife. Neither Abraham or Isaac were involved in the search for his wife, yet Isaac received God's special choice for him to marry Rebekah. This story shows the servant's dedication to finding God's perfect will and woman for his master's son, Isaac. Wouldn't it be neat if we all knew that God had handpicked our mates before we got married? God does have a special calling on each of our lives, and that includes a special mate(helpmate) to help us fulfill His calling. If you are seeking a mate, start seeking God's special calling of service, and you will meet someone else seeking God's special calling for their life. The two of you will soon realize that each of you can help the other with their calling. On @KLRNRadio.com 7AM Wed #GPWF #Christian or anytime at rahardin.com (radio)