The sports media industry landscape is constantly changing, and FanRag sports is changing with it. After 132 episodes, Jared Mintz and Joseph Nardone (that's right, he's back) wrap up their podcast by reflecting on the last couple of years, their careers to this point as writers, where the industry's been and where it's going. The duo, who also host the Off The Wall Podcast for The Knicks Wall, fondly reminisce on some of their previous stops as writers, the running gag that the podcast would be cancelled shortly after it kicked off, and some of their favorite episodes and conversations with their esteemed guests. They also make fun of Kevin Durant, because they're blogger boys and he's not. For amateur basketball coverage and takes on Marty Jannetty, you can follow Joseph on Twitter at @JosephNardone. As always, you can follow Jared on Twitter at @JMintzhoops, and subscribe to the Relatively Speaking Podcast on iTunes and Stitcher.