'Reclaiming your Identity' Saloni Singh with Vanessa Broers


Listens: 207

Raising Parents 2.0

Kids & Family

Saloni Singh is talking to Life coach & Author Vanessa Broers about finding yourself in journey of parenthood, reclaiming your identity as a mom, the sensitive and inherent mom guilt, the trap of high achievement and productivity and more...


*How we keep ourselves hostages in our own ideas and need to control.

*The race of being ambitious and productive - what's on stake?

*The perpetual dissatisfaction in our lives.

About Vanessa Broers:

Vanessa works with high performing women to help them relax around productivity to create extraordinary results n lives. She is mom to pepper, who is 2 yrs old.

Her new book, We are one: how one woman reclaimed her identity through motherhood comes out August.

Get to know her more here: https://www.vanessabroerscoaching.com/

About Saloni Singh:

Dr Saloni Singh is a life, family & self-mastery coach, a mom of 2 teen daughters, 18 and 14.

She is an author of the book, 'How to stop overthinking in 3 minutes', a Master NLP practitioner, Keynote Speaker and corporate trainer.

Find more about Saloni here: Http://www.salonisingh.com

Get free download of Saloni's handbook here for simple practical tools on

'How to stop overthinking in 3 minutes' -


Connect with her on Instagram here:


Get in touch with me for any life or parenting queries or for a conversation at coach@salonisingh.com 

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