Reasons to Trust the Eyewitness Accounts of Jesus


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Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

Guest Host: J. Warner Wallace   J. Warner Wallace talks about reasons to trust the eyewitness accounts of Jesus, then he answers a question about which sources to trust for information, reminds us that just because the other side can make a case, that doesn’t mean it’s true, explores Peter Pan vs. Jesus, and more.   Topics: Commentary: Reasons to trust the eyewitness accounts of Jesus (00:00) What are some sources you trust for information? (23:00) Commentary: Just because the other side can make a case, that doesn’t mean it’s true. (42:00) Commentary: The three kinds of true believers. (49:00) Commentary: The claims about Jesus aren’t the same as claims about Peter Pan. (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  What Were the Disciples Saying about Jesus Prior to Writing the Gospels? by J. Warner Wallace Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 24–25 in Orange County, CA; October 15–16 in Seattle, WA; November 12–13 in Minneapolis, MN; February 25–26, 2022 in Dallas, TX; April 22–23, 2022 in Augusta, GA The Fact the Other Side Can Make a Case Doesn’t Mean It’s True by J. Warner Wallace Even Unbelievers Are True Believers by J. Warner Wallace Why the Claims about Jesus Are Not the Same As the Claims about Peter Pan by J. Warner Wallace