Rachel Radway | Empathy-Driven Modern Leadership


Listens: 13

Resolutionary Leaders


Welcome to Resolutionary Leaders! In today's episode, host Helena sits down with the inspiring Rachel Radway, a seasoned executive leadership coach and mentor who specializes in helping women who feel "wired differently" thrive in their professional lives. Rachel brings over 25 years of corporate experience, particularly in the tech industry, where she navigated director roles across various companies

Join us as we delve into the importance of empathy in leadership, the challenges of being misunderstood, and the need for recognizing diverse cognitive styles within teams.

Know more about her:

Website: https://www.rercoaching.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reradway/

Book newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iNXWqw


00:00 Burnout led to career change and sabbatical.

06:32 Parents divorced; Mom independent, supportive; unconventional childhood.

12:03 High sensitivity resembles high sensory perception trait.

13:19 Highly sensitive to environment and emotional stimuli.

19:37 Empathetic leaders are powerful and admired.

20:59 Strategic thinkers see beyond immediate decisions' outcomes.

25:03 Executive roundtables empower women leaders' communication clarity.

30:10 Program for women only; men weren't interested.

32:52 Free laser coaching: Grace, grit, insights, trust-building.