PodPros: Evolution of Inbound Marketing to Interview Marketing | Tom Schwab


Listens: 338

Indian Podcasting Revolution


PodPros is the series where we bring insights from global podcasting experts to accelerate the rise of podcasts in India. In this thought-provoking episode your host Roshni Baronia talks to Tom Schwab, Chief Evangelist Officer at Interview Valet, the category king of Podcast Interview Marketing.

As this conversation rolls out, it becomes evident that there has been a shift in the way people consume content and hence there needs to be a shift in the way experts try to reach out to their intended audience. Tom validates this fact through his own transition into the podcast industry which was initiated with a mere hypothesis that blogs and SEO work really well for websites, maybe podcasts is the new age blogging!

And that hypothesis transformed into becoming of Interview Valet with a team of 30 today that is spread across the world. He also presents a disruptive notion about the cahging face of SEO in the world of AI and how podcasts presents themselves as an authentic tool for exports to connect and captivate listeners. 

Some interesting quips from Tom:

  • People never walk out on a podcast. They might pause and go run their errands but they will always come back.
  • Podcasting offers intimacy with the audience as it replicates the one on one experience.
  • Podcasts are not revolution but evolution of marketing. There was a time when blogs worked, now that’s transitioned into audio content.
  • It offers high level engagement as someone coming and listening to the podcast is already a warm lead as they are interested in you. It’s the best form of inbound marketing.

Decoding done by Tom Schwab:

“If anyone were to understand from 20 years ago, what we were trying to do with blogging, it’s just that but doing it as podcasts, in audio format.” 

Listen to the entire episode as Roshni and Tom discuss the vast scope of podcasting, interview marketing and evolution of marketing. 

About the Guest

Have you ever thought your digital marketing might actually be hurting your business? That you are not “breaking through the noise”, you are just adding to it? Perhaps you are not “one funnel away”. Maybe that funnel is stopping the big fish you want. Our guest today has a refreshingly new view. Tom Schwab asks you to consider that you are just One Conversation Away. That’s his experience and that data working with over 1500 leading brands as the Chief Evangelist Officer at Interview Valet, the category king of Podcast Interview Marketing. If you want a rich life and a profitable business, Tom believes you are just One Conversation Away.  

Twitter:- https://twitter.com/IAmTomSchwab

Linkedin:- https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamtomschwab/

Website:- https://interviewvalet.com/ipr/

**Indian Podcasting Revolution is brought to you by Done For You Podcasts, a full-service podcast production company for experts and entrepreneurs. Visit our website to know more- https://www.dfyp.in/

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