PodPros: Demystifying Audio-Video Podcasting - A Discussion with Bryan Barletta of Sounds Profitable


Listens: 11.04k

Indian Podcasting Revolution


PodPros is the series where we bring insights from global podcasting experts to accelerate the rise of podcasts in India. In this immersive episode, your host Roshni Baronia sits with Bryan Barletta, Founder Sound Profitable to stir up the hornet’s nest - Are video podcasts a thing? What is the difference between audio and video podcasting? Which will serve your business needs better and how?

If you have ever found yourself wondering whether to take your podcasting journey down the audio or video route, this is the conversation that will help you make a sound decision because that's the question we tackle head-on in this thought-provoking chat with Bryan. With his wealth of knowledge in podcasting, he unravels the intricacies of both mediums and their impact on content creation, delivery, and consumption. We also dive into how format decisions can shape the distribution and success of your podcast. 

Top insight from Bryan: 

“I think it's more important to say that audio and video podcasts have a separation of medium and it's not as easy to treat the channels the same way. It is not to your benefit to treat the channels the same way.” 

About the guest: 

Bryan Barletta is the founder of Sounds Profitable, and a widely-cited expert in ad tech, sales, and monetization of podcasting.

He founded Sounds Profitable in 2020 initially as a platform to help educate persons working in the podcast industry about advertising and sales technology but has since expanded the brand to become the industry’s premiere source for education, advocacy, and insights designed to grow the entire space. He is an avid gamer and father of two boys, neither of whom have their own podcast, yet.

Visit https://soundsprofitable.com/ to know more

Connect with Bryan over X https://twitter.com/HighFiveRPG

Mentioned in the episode: 

Research report https://soundsprofitable.com/research/the-podcast-landscape/

**Indian Podcasting Revolution is brought to you by Done For You Podcasts, a full-service podcast production company for experts and entrepreneurs.

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