PodPeeps: How Podcast Helps To Grow Ideas Into Products | Aishwarya Ashok


Listens: 240

Indian Podcasting Revolution


PodPeeps is the series where we capture the podcasting journeys of successful Indian podcasters. In this episode, the host Rohit Kokane is in conversation with Aishwarya Ashok, product builder and host of the podcast The Founder’s Foyer to deep dive into the role of podcasts in the growth of communities and business ideas as it happened for Aishwarya.

She takes us behind the scenes, recounting her initial leap into the podcasting realm, her transformative approach to sparking rich conversations, and the evolution of her show from mobile phone recordings to a sleek, polished production that's shaping minds and sharing wisdom across the audio waves.

We believe the true measure of a podcast’s success extends beyond downloads and analytics. Aishwarya reinforces this by shedding more light on the lasting impact of content, the richness of community, and the non-monetary treasures that podcasting offers, such as genuine friendships and networks. 

Listen in as Rohit and Aishwarya discuss: 

  • The Importance of Curiosity in Podcasting
  • Importance of Adaptability in Show Formats
  • The Joy of Podcasting and Conversation
  • Podcast Process and Consistency
  • The Power of Versatility in Tech
  • Purpose and Direction in Podcasting
  • Gauging Podcast Impact Beyond Numbers

With an ear to the ground for evolving trends and an eye on authentic storytelling, Aishwarya's insights are a beacon for aspiring podcasters and seasoned audio aficionados alike, proving that the most profound footprint a podcast leaves is in the hearts and minds it touches. So listen in now…

About the Guest: 

Aishwarya Ashok is a tech product builder who loves the intersection of ideas, design, and storytelling. She also currently runs The Founder’s Foyer—a space for early-stage founders, creators, and builders to grow their ideas into products. She was earlier hosting TheProdcast, a product podcast, and built no-code apps.

Website: https://thefoundersfoyer.com/  |  https://aishashok.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aishwarya-ashok

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/aishashok14 

Are you ready to take your podcasting skills to the next level? Then grab the eBook Podcast Hosts' Guide to Crafting Engaging Conversations, Authored by Rohit Kokane, brought to you by Done For You Podcasts