Podcast – Barbara Bry and Mary Walshok – The Evolution of San Diego’s Innovation Economy


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We were delighted that club Patron and candidate for San Diego City Council District 1, Barbara Bry was a co-presenter at this meeting. Barbara has spent the last 30 years of her life helping to start companies and create jobs from her early days at CONNECT to becoming an entrepreneur and serving on the initial management team of companies like ProFlowers.com.   San Diego’s economy has long been dependent on federal funds with 50% GDP today coming from federal sources to support, military functions, defense contracting companies and basic research such as on the Torrey Pines mesa. Barbara and Mary emphasized the importance of innovation to San Diego’s future. They dove into the history and what it means to local citizens to have companies that operate in a global arena – where we put our priorities will be shaped by these forces.   We encourage you to subscribe to our Podcast channel here. You can also find us on the iTunes Store just search for Point Loma & OB Dems or click here, as well as on Stitcher. …