ArchNews, an all-inclusive central email list for distributing official information from the University of Georgia administration to UGA students, faculty, and staff, recently sent an email to all students regarding the fall 2020 protocol pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. This episode covers that email in detail and what fall will look like for the incoming MSBA students and all students returning to campus. Topics include social distancing on campus and within the classroom, the academic calendar, CDC and UGA protocols, and accommodations for students.If you have questions regarding a COVID-19 accommodation, please contact the Disability Resource Center at or 706-542-8719. More information can be found at The University of Georgia’s information and resources about COVID-19 can be found at Information about the Athens community, Athens Ready, Set, Go Safely Initiative, we mentioned can be found on their site at, to find the Spotify Athens Pop Playlist check it out here out the MSBA program at Georgia Analytics and the Full-Time MBA. Follow us on Instagram at Georgia Analyticsand Georgia.MBA.