Pen Fights Gamepad | Episode 10


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Pen Fights Gamepad


Download the .mp3 Website for the podcast: www.PenFightsGamepad.comDonald Conrad of and Dan Absalonson of talk about video games, writing, being husbands with awesome wives and fathers of many young children, what life is like as dads and lots of other stuff. Some of the Topics covered in this show:Dan once killed BambiMoose like getting drunk on berriesChildren screamingTwilight is about poopingMoose mouthDonald's injured family - skull shaping, broken ribs, a broken wristPoop grenadePoop waterbottleFarts are funnyVideo Game Giveaway - To celebrate the forthcoming STAR WARS movies from Disney, we are giving away Lego Starwars The Original Trilogy for the Gamecube! happenings:Warlords - a reboot of the classic Atari video gameAssassin's Creed III: Liberation - PlayStation VitaCall of Duty ClassicNinja Turtles NES gamesMarvel Super Hero Squad and renting video gamesEpic Mickey 2 and little kids playing video gamesFood Parties!Kids asking Santa for video gamesFTL the space ship video gameLetting newbies wind at video games leads them to try out for American IdolX-men and Baseball cardsWhere Ken Griffey Jr. Go?Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball for the SNESTiger WoodsShaq Fu for the Super NintendoNaNoWriMoDan hasn't been writing because he's been studying plot structureDonald gives Dan his thoughts and awesome ideas on Dan's science fiction novel after his third read throughDan explains a few things about the development of his novelDan has a new Anthology for sale - "Danthology." A collection of all his short stories in one place for 99 centseReaders, eInk, Barnes and NobleHow our wives talk in their sleepFlashpoint the TV showTerra Nova on Netflix - it is so bad that it is kinda good?'Last Resort' Canceled - boo hooTV networks concerned about how many people watched the Felix Baumgartner jump from spaceDisney bought Lucasfilm!New STAR WARS movies? We're excited!Thrawn TrilogyThe HobbitThe Lord of the Rings book vs moviesWill the new STAR WARS movies make a spike in Science Fiction books?Video Games making more money than MoviesBlack Ops 2 made 500 million in 24 hoursThe Avengers took around 5 months to hit a billion dollarsThe Hulk, the only movie Dan still needs to see before finally seeing the AvengersGood video game movies?Windows Phone 8, iPhone, Galaxy S3, Samsumg ATIVMac VS Windows