_Anonymous-Woman.jpg "In healthcare I have learned that I must base my life on the foundation of three things, I must have a passion for God, a passion for people and a passion for service." Rebekah Acosta, Occupational Therapy Student Listen Now Acosta_Rebekah.mp3 Transcript What do I have a passion for? This is the first question I must ask myself before embarking on any journey. In healthcare I have learned that I must base my life on the foundation of three things, I must have a passion for God, a passion for people and a passion for service. These three things have become the GPS of my life. G; Passion for God, I strive to walk in Gods footsteps and view each person as he does. I become blind unto how society sees the world, and I begin to view the world through the lens that God does. P; passion for people. My patient is a father, a mother, a sister, a son, a daughter, a brother, my patient is no longer just a room number, but rather a child of God with a name. S; passion for service. Healthcare is about putting others before myself. Its about willing to get on my hands and knees to comfort someone who feels like there is no longer any hope. This is what my passion for people is. This is what my passion for God is. This is what my passion for service is. This is what my philosophy of healthcare is. It is about letting GPS guide my every moment as a healthcare worker, even as a human being. I must be willing to bend down and get to someones level. I must be willing to get dirty. And I might even have the chance to change someones life.