OVEREAT!.. But With a Catch


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Habits 4 Life


Think about it. What's the Opposite Day for binge eating, where you cram down a lot of food as fast as possible? Eating slowly. You can still binge. Eat as much as you want. Eat whatever you want. (We'll worry about changing this later. For now, one thing at a time.) Yes. You have our permission and you read that correctly: If you are in the throes of a compulsive eating episode, eat as much as you need to — and whatever types of foods you want — in order to make yourself feel better. Eat until you're done. The only catch is that you eat slowly. Wait... isn't that irresponsible? Well, if you're like most folks who have grappled with overeating, you've tried to "just stop". You've tried to talk yourself out of it. You've felt guilty, regretful, and ashamed. Did it work? Probably not so well. So in fact, the most "responsible" thing is to learn to be present with your eating, instead of zoning out. You do that by slowing down. One thing at a time Right now, overeating does something for you. It's a way to cope. We're not going to take that away from you if you need it. All we're going to do is change one small thing at a time. Whatever you eat, whenever you eat, no matter how crazy or epic the eating episode becomes... just do it slowly. You can eat everything you want. As much as you want. As long as you do it one mindful bite, one deep breath, one pause to savor, at a time. Hey, you want that food. You might as well truly enjoy it. Make like a turtle. Sloooow downnn.